...the perfect food for the underpaid and overly educated...

Monday, November 29, 2010

The History of the Sweet Potato

I thought it would be best if I explained why I love sweet potatoes so much and exactly why they are oh so good for us.

Firstly, they are rich in complex carbohydrates which are the very best kind of carbohydrates because they contain starch and soluble fiber instead of just sugar (which is what makes up simple carbs, like white rice or white bread). Eating complex carbs full of soluble fiber satiates our appetites and prevents overeating but has also been linked to preventing chronic diseases and aiding in digestion as well as helping food pass more slowly through the GI system, allowing our bodies to absorb more nutrients.

Sweet potatoes are also full of Beta-carotene (similar to Vitamin A) ~ which helps to maintain healthy skin, hair, eyes as well as help keep up our immune system and healthy bone growth. There is about four times the daily recommended dose of Vitamin A in one serving of sweet potato.  Vitamin C, which is also great for our immune system, serves as an antioxident and anti-inflammatory - you can get almost half of your daily dose of Vitamin C from one sweet potato! These delicious root vegetables are also chock full of iron, potassium, calcium, and folate.
Hope this helps!

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